Creating a Gallery Wall

Creating a Gallery Wall
A gallery wall is a collage of different articles to cover an entire space. Articles are of different shapes, sizes, and proportions. Think of it as an accent wall. It's a fun and creative way to add personality to most any room!

Collecting Items
  • Imagery
    • Collect any and all pieces of your favorite art. This can be framed images, unframed pieces, canvas, posters, photographs, printed pictures, and so on...
  • Decorations
    • Sames goes for decorations! Collect items such as wall decal stickers, flags, string lights, faux string plants, clocks, mirrors and so on. Basically, find things other than imagery that can be hung on the wall.
  • Bulletin Board
    • Bulletin boards are great because they fill up a pretty decent sized space. They can be useful for unframed photographs, loose papers, and smaller things to be pinned on.
  • Shelves
    • Shelves make for easy gap fillers. Floating shelves make for a nice option even. This way, for things that can't be hung on the wall, they can be nice to hold other decorative objects.
  • Placement
    • It's all about how you feel when it comes to making your own gallery wall. Think about it for a while; draw out some of your art and how it would display on your wall, take a moment to figure out a good arrangement. For me personally, since I actually have a small gallery wall in my room, I thought about the bigger pieces and the ones I deem as more important in my range of sight. These are what I placed first. Then I filled in gaps with smaller pictures and whatnot.
  • Hanging Up
    • As soon as you have a plan in mind, you can start hanging art up. The fun part is putting different textures together, colors, and really creating a solid accent wall of memories. The thing I really enjoy about gallery walls are the fact that nothing set in place is perfect. Everything is truly combined with creativity and enjoyment!

Source: N/A