Social Media Do's and Don'ts
Social Media is forever changing and growing. Here are some do's and don'ts when going online, just some easy things to keep in mind when scrolling through social media.
Set a Purpose
Set a Purpose for each app you have on your device(s). Think about what you use them for. This can detrimentally help you realize that if you do need certain apps they will help you along your life journey. Likewise, they might be restricting everyday growth mentally and physically throughout your day, so choose which are for the better.
Uplifting and Enlightening
Find accounts that uplift and enlighten you on a daily basis. These are ones that make you happy, can put a smile on your face, and or possibly even make you laugh!
Time Limit
Set a time limit for using your devices when it comes to social media use. Try to set a good range of a half hour or so, for example, just to stay up to date.
You have a hobby or something that interests you in your spare time, right? The right community to be involved in can boost your mood and open any horizons to interact.
Keen and Alert
Don't get attached to anything you see online. It can disappear in a second or force you to get stressed because of having to check apps constantly. Taking things personally can take a toll on your being. Stay keen and alert of what's appearing on your screen.
All Caught Up
Social media isn't a competition at all. They're mostly used for sharing and connecting with others across the globe. Getting all caught up in reaching a higher amount of likes or followers can impact your creativity if you post on your account. Just share your content and the right people will come along to like and follow as such.
Enough is Enough
If you have nothing to do and you're scrolling for a long time, enough is enough! Like buying groceries on an empty stomach, the same applies here. Constantly glancing at your screen hurts your eyes, yes, but it's more what you see when it comes to images; a negative effect takes place in your system. Before you know it, you might be getting riled up on comparing your body to those you see on the apps, for example. Consider using the social apps if you need to catch up on the latest posts, or if you need an idea for something.
Stop Comparing
Continuing from the last topic, stop comparing yourself to what you see on social media. It only brings in negative vibes like degrading yourself and your looks or even your ability to complete tasks. You are creative in your own right so no need to go down the route of telling yourself you have no chance. Most of the time, photos of people are heavily photoshopped. Food is even photoshopped and edited to look more savory or sweet. Like hello, you're perfect and talented the way you are!
Source: @TheFabStory via Instagram
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